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We are very excited that you are interested in our church! We welcome you to come and experience the presence of God and the friendship of His people! We will try to answer some questions you may have before you attend our church.

What classes or activities do you offer for my family?


United Pentecostal Church of Lone Grove offers different ministries for the whole family:


Sunday School
Sundays at 10:00 A.M. we have classes for toddlers through youth.


Little Lites
Wednesdays at 7:30 P.M. we offer Children's Church for ages 4-11. In Children's Church your child will have a chance to worship, perform specials, see puppets, and experience God in an exciting environment.


Youth Unite
On Wednesdays at 7:30 our Youth Unite group meet for an action packed time! They will discover solutions to issues they are challenged with each day as young adults. Your teenager will learn leadership skills by performing various roles during each event. They will develop healthy Godly relationships with other teenagers.



Together Ladies

We have a monthly “Together Ladies” Meeting the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm where we have a variety of activities, discussions on different topics, crafts, cooking etc. It’s a lot of fun getting “Together!”



Our Youth Service and Children's Church alternate Wednesday evenings so keep an eye on our weekly schedule in the Events page.




How do I get there?


For Directions to United Pentecostal Church of Lone Grove click here



What do I wear?


Many people are not sure what to wear when they visit. When you attend our services, you will see a range of styles from jeans to suits. It doesn't matter to us! Dress however is the most comfortable for you.

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United Pentecostal Church of Lone Grove

138 First Street

Lone Grove, OK 73443

Website created by Leticia Gillet

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